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Author Topic: SBSS Mission Launch Projected for Late September  (Read 19319 times)

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SBSS Mission Launch Projected for Late September
« on: September 04, 2010, 09:40:35 AM »
Air Force officials have completed their assessment and implemented necessary corrective actions associated with a Minotaur IV rocket software issue. That issue had prompted the Air Force to delay its previously scheduled July 8 launch of Space Based Space Surveillance. As the software effort came to a close, the government and industry team identified a potential mission risk associated with certain connectors used on flight avionics components aboard the Minotaur IV launch vehicle.

Inspections of the connectors aboard the rocket at Vandenberg AFB, Calif. are underway now and will support validation that the rocket hardware is flight ready. Upon completion of this inspection and any needed hardware replacements, the team will identify a new launch date, request that date on the western range, and continue preparations for launch. The team expects that process will result in a late September launch date. Officials confirm also there are no issues with the spacecraft, which is safely in storage at the launch base. Operations teams have continued exercises and rehearsals, ensuring they will also be mission-ready once the spacecraft launches.

The SBSS system will detect and track space objects, such as satellites and orbital debris generating data the Department of Defense will use in support of military operations. NASA may also use the information to calculate orbital debris collision avoidance measures for the International Space Station and Space Shuttle missions. The SBSS mission is a significant stepping stone toward the future of space superiority and a functional space-based space surveillance constellation.


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