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E-3A Component 25th Anniversary
Ohh, so its just the light that makes it look darker then it really is. To bad cuz i really liked that darker grey. Anyway its a great pic! :)
Hello guys,
Just back from a long stay at the fence at Geilenkirchen.
Normally the MP and "Polizei" is doing very difficult due the USAF presence, but this
time they where very social and friendly. They even wished us via speaker nice photographs
and good conditions for the weather.
Many thanks for that.......(I just had to say this ;) )
And now to some of the highlights, all participants made it to Geilenkirchen. Also the B-52 ;D :o :P
made it after a 6 1/2 hour delay. Weather was overall very good with black skies on the background
and a "filtered" sunshine, only one rain shower was counted. Hope you like the photographs.
Regards, Ramon.
nice shot's ;)
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