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Author Topic: International Commando Elites  (Read 36696 times)

Offline Air Marshal

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International Commando Elites
« on: November 27, 2005, 12:40:29 PM »
List of International Commando Elites

Commando Brigade
Naval Commandos
Reparti Eleminimit dhe Neutralizimit te Elementit te Armatosur (RENEA/88) (CT)
Reparti I Operacioneve Speciale (ROS) (CT)

IVta Brigada Paracaidista
Compania de Comandos 601 (Ca Cdo(s) 601/CC601) (Army SF/Commando unit)

Infanteria de Marina (Argentine Marine Corps)
Agrupacion de Comandos Anfibios (Marine SF/Recon unit)

Agrupacion de Buzos Tacticos (Navy combat diver unit)
Escuadron de Apoyo Comando (EAC-AF special ops unit)
Brigada Especial Operativa Halcon (BEOH)/Grupo Halcon (Falcon Special Operations Brigade/Falcon Group) - “Brigada Halcon” - Buenos Aires Police CT/SWAT unit.
Grupo Especial de Operaciones Federales (GEOF - Federal Police SWAT unit) Grupo de Respuesta Imediate de Alto

Jagdkommando (Rangers)
Gebirgsjaegerbattalions (Mountain Warfare units)
Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando (GEK - "COBRA" - CT)

Special Operations Command (SOCOMD)
Special Air Service Regiment (SASR)
-Base Squadron
-Anti Terrorism Cell
-Training and Operational Support Squadron
-Instruction Wing
-Wings : Medical, Transport, Material, Supply
1, 2, 3 “Sabre” Squadrons
“A Troop” - HALO Troop
“B Troop” - Boat Troop
“C Troop” - Mobility Troop
Counter Terrorism and Special Recovery (CTSR) Teams -TAG (West)
152 Signal Squadron
4th Battalion (Commando) Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) (4RAR Cdo)
-A (Reserve), B, C and D Companies
-Tactical Assault Group, East (composed of personnel for 4RAR and RAN personnel)
- Aviation Platoon from “B” Squadron, 5th Aviation Regiment
Special Operations Combat Service Support Company (SOCSSC)
Army Reserve 1st Commando Regiment (1st Cdo Regt)
-HQ Company
-Signal Troop
-Maintenance Troop
-Training Troop
-Base Operation Section
-Base Radio Section
-1 Cdo Coy, 2 Cdo Coy
-126th Signal Squadron
Swan Island Special Warfare Detachment
Incident Response Regiment (IRR)
* Navy Clearance Diving Branch
CDT1, CDT4 and Reserve Diving Teams CDTs

Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) Covert Action Directorate - (Aussie version of the CIA's SAD)

RAAF Airfield Defense Guards (Counter SOF unit)

Regional Force Surveillance Units (RFSU):
-51 Far North Queensland Regiment (51 FNQR)
-Pilbara Regiment (Pilbara Reg.)
-North West Mobile Force (NORFORCE)
3RAR (Para)
- Recon Platoon


1st Para-Commando Battalion

5th Spetsnaz brigade

Para-Commando Brigade:
-1Para Battalion
-2Cdo Battalion
-3Para Battalion
-Special Forces group
-Eskadron Der Gidsen (recce)
(The ESR and Pathfinders are now consolidaed in one company of the 3 Regiment de Lanciers Parachutiste)
Escadron Special d'Intervention (ESI/CT unit)

Special Forces Training Centre
Balattion de Infanteria de Marina “Almirante Gran”

Força de Ação Rápida-FAR
Brigada de Infantaria Pára-quedista (Parachute Infantry Brigade)Companhia de Precursorers Para-Quedista (CIA PREC - Parachute Pathfinder Company)
12ª Brigada de Infantaria Leve (Aeromovel)(12th Light Infantry Brigade-Airmobile)

1º Batalhão de Forças Especiais (1° BFEsp - 1st Special Forces Battalion - Its now a Brigade Sized Unit with 2 SF companies, a Commando Co, a PSYOPS unit and support unit.
- Counter Terrorism Detachment

11o Batalhao de Infantaria de Montanha

Grupo de Mergulhadores de Combate-GRUMEC (Combat Divers Group)
Grupo Especial de Retomada e Resgate do Mergulhadores de Combate (GERR/MEC - Combat Divers Retake and Rescue Special Group) - GRUMEC’s MCT team
Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais (CFN)-(Naval Rifle Corps-Marines)
Comandos Anfibios-COMANFI (Amphibious Commandos)
Grupo Especial de Resgate (GER) - Special Rescue Group

Esquadrão Aeroterrestre de Salvamento “PARA-SAR” - (Parachute Search and Rescue)

Mountain warfare Unit

Special Combat Squadron

Charlie Company (Para), 3rd Bn., Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR)
Charlie Company (Para), 3rd Bn. Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)
Charlie Company (Para), 3rd Bn. Royal Vingt Deuxieme Regiment
Joint Task Force Two (JTF-2/CT)

6th Special Warfare Group
8th Special Warfare Group
12th Special Warfare SF Detachment
Naval Infantry Force

Special Forces Brigade
Escuela de Paracaidistas y Fuerzas Especiales (School of S.F.)
-Special Forces Battalion
-Parachute Battalion

1st , 2nd Comando Regiments

6th Comando Regiment (desert ops)
-Parachute Battalion

Yungay (Mountain Infantry Unit) Nº 3
Talca (Mountain Infantry Unit) Nº 16
Los Angeles (Mountain Infantry Unit) Nº 17
Guardia Vieja (Mountain Infantry Unit) Nº 18

Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina (Chilean Marine Corps)
Agrupación de Comandos Infantería de Marina Nº 51 (Marines SOF unit)

Comando de Buzos Tacticos de la Armada (Navy SF commandoes)

Escuadrilla de Paracaidistas de la Frueza Aerea de Chile (FACh) “Bionas Azules” (AF "Blue Beret" Pachute Bn.)

Grupo de Fuerzas Especiales (Air Force SF/Commando unit)
Paracaidistas de Busqueda, Salvamento y Rescate (PARASAR - Air Force SAR unit)
Agrupación Antisecuestros Aéreos de la FACh- (ASA - Air Force anti-hijack unit)

Unidad Anti-Terroristes (UAT) of the National Police Force “Cobra”
Grupo de Operaciones de Policia Especiales (GOPE) of the Carabineros


Offline Air Marshal

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Re: International Commando Elites
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2005, 12:43:55 PM »
Fuerza de Despliegue Rápido (FUDRA)
Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales (Special Forces Brigade)
Lanceros (Colombian Army "Rangers")

“Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales de Lucha Contra el Narcotrafico”/ Brigada Contra el Narcotrafico
- Batallón Contra el Narcotráfico N° 1
- Batallones Especiales Anti-Narcóticos (Special Anti-Narcotics Battalions)?

Agrupación de Fuerzas Especiales Antiterroristas Urbanas (AFEUR) (Urban Antiterrorist Special Forces Group)
Companias Contra Guerrillos Urbanos (CCGU - Urban Counter Guerilla Companies)
GAES (Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Groups of the Colombian Army)
Cuerpo de Infanteria de Marine (Naval Infantry Corps)
Grupo Operational Contra Extorsion y Secuestros (GOES) (Counter Extortion and Kidnapping Group)
Unidad Nacional Anti Secuestro y Extorsión (UNASE - National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Unit)

Grupo de Comandos Anfibios (GCA - SEAL type unit)
Grupo Anti-Secuestro de Aviones (GASDA - (Aircraft Anti-Hijacking Group) (part of Colombian Air Force)

Unidad de Intervencio Especial (UIE) (CT)

Specijalna Policija

Comando de Missiones Especiales (CME)

Greek Cypriot Commandos (LRRP type unit)
Greeh Cypriot OYK (Marine Commandos - SEAL type unit)

601. Skupina Specialnich sily (601.SSS - formally - Speciální Brigáda – “Generála Moravce” 6/6th Special Brigade - around 500 members - LRRP type unit) located in Prostejov
Speciální jednotka vojenské policie SOG (Military police SOG - small unit-around 60 members) - like DELTA
102.Průzkumny Prapor - reconnaissance batalion - around 450 members
71 Vysadkovy Prapor - airborne - around 500 members - like 82nd Airborne

Útvar Rychlého Nasazení (URNa - National Police CT unit - around 110 members)

Jaegerkorpset. (SAS type unit)
Froemanskorpset (Frogman Corps – SEAL type unit)
Saerlige Efterretning Patruljer (SEP) (Spec. Intel. Patrols)
Patruljekompagni / Hærens Operative Kommando. (A Home Guard LRRP unit)
Patruljekompagniet/Danske Division
Siriuspatruljen (Sirius Patrol)

Comando Especial Antiterrorista (Army CT unit)
Comandos Anfibios (NavyCombat divers tasked with, among other things, counter-narcotics and hostage-rescue operations

Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales N.- 9 “Patria”
Grupo Especial de Operaciones (GEO/ CT)
Puma Unit (Army SF)
Grupo de Intervencion y Rescate (GIR -Intervention and Rescue Group)
Cuerpo de Infanteria de Marine

Unit 777/`Sa’aga “Thunderbolt Force”
UDT/SEAL-type unit (designation unknown)
`Special Operations Troops' of the Central Security Forces (a branch of the Ministry of the Interior) (VIP protection, SWAT-type etc)
Amphibious Brigade

Comando de Fuerzas Especiales (CFE)
Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOE)
- Patrullas de Reconocimiento de Alcance Largo (PRAL - LRRPs)
-Hacha “Hatchet” (SAS type direct action unit)
Comando Especial Antiterrorista (CEAT - “Special Anti-Terrorist Command”)
Battelion de Infateria de Marina
Compania de Comandos Marina (Marine Commando Company)
Batallon de Paracaidistas ( BAPAC - Parachute Battalion)
Grupo de Respuesta Policial (GRP - Police Response Group)

Special Operations Group (SOG)

Army First Meridian Squadron (CI) unit

Laskuvarjojaakarikoulu (Airborne Ranger school)
Laivaston Erikoistoimintayksikko (Navy Special operation unit)
1.Rannikkojaakarikomppania (1st Marine commando company)
Sissikomppaniat (Ranger/Guerilla warfare companies)
Osasto Karhu “Bear Unit” of the Helsinki Police Department (CT)

Commandement des Operations Speciales (Special Operations Command)

Brigade des Forces Speciales Terre (BFST)
-1er Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RPI Ma) (Para-Commandoes - nearest French equivalent to SAS/SF)
Détachement Aviation Légère de l’Armée deTterre (ALAT) des Opérations Spéciales (DAOS - Army Light Aviation Special Operations Det) - 1st Escadrille des Operations Speciales , 2nd Escadrille des Operations Speciales
-13eme Regiment Dragoons de Parachutiste (LRRPs)

Force Maritime des Fusiliers Marins Commandos (FORFUSCO)
* Commando de Penfentenyo
* Commando de Montfort
* Commando Jaubert (Assault - includes the "Escouade de Combat en Milieu Clos/ECMC - former Goupement de Combat en Milieu Clos/GCMC- 17 man maritime CT team)
* Commando Trepel

* Commando d'Action Sous-Marine (CASM) Hubert
1st Company
A section - HQ
B section - Maritime Counter-Terrorism (MCT)
C section - Swimmer Deliver Vehicle unit
D section - beach recon/naval commando/HALO/HAHO
E section - Boat support unit
2nd Company -Support, Communications, maintenance

Division des Operations Speciales (DOS) (French Air Force special ops aviation unit)
l'Escadrille des helicopters Speciaux (Special Helicopter Squadron) is controlled by DOS
Commando Parachutiste de l'Air 10 (CPA 10 -CCT, TACP, Airfield Seizure)

Commando Parachutiste de l'Air 20 (CPA 20 - Mesures Actives de Sûreté Aerienne -MASA/Aaviation security)
Groupe de Récupération au Sol (GRS) (Search and Recovery Group)
Commando Parachutiste de l'Air 30 (RESCO - Frecn Air Force CSAR security unit)
Sauveteur-Plongeur RESCO (French Air Force CSAR Rescue-Divers)

*11eme Brigade Parachutiste (11th Parachute Brigade)
-2e Regiment Etranger Parachutiste (2e REP)
-1er Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes (1e RCP)
-3e Regiment Parachutiste d’Infanterie de Marine (3e RPIMa)
-8e Regiment Parachutiste d’Infanterie de Marine(8e RPIMa)
-35e Regiment d’Artillerie Parachutiste (35e RAP)
-1e Regiment de Hussards Parachutiste (1e RHP)
-17e Regiment du Genie Parachutiste (17e RGP)
*Section Nautique d’Intervention Offensive (SNIO)
1er Regiment de Transmissions Parachutiste (RTP)
4e Battery, 57th Regiment d’Artillerie (4e Bat/57 RA)
11e Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions Parachutiste (11e CCTP)
-Groupement de Commandos Parachutistes (GCP) (Formally CRAP- Commandos de Recherche et d'Action en Profondeur)

Brigade de Renseignement
*2e Regiment de Hussards

27e Brigade d'Infanterie de Montagne
*URH-27 (Unite' de Recherche Humaine)

9e Brigade Legere Blindee d'Infanterie de Marine
*Detachement d'Intervention Operationelle (DIO)

Foreign Legion (regiments are integrated within different brigades):
* 1er Regiment Etranger
* 2er Regiment d'Infanterie
* 3e Regiment d'Infanterie
* 4e Regiment Etranger
* 1er Regiment Etranger De Cavalerie (1e REC)
* 2er Regiment Etranger de Parachutiste (2er REP) (Also a part of 11e BP):
- 1ere CIE (Co) - specialists on night combat, anti-armor and at combat in built up areas.
- 2eme CIE - specialists at mountain warfare.
- 3eme CIE - specialists at amphibious warfare.
- 4eme CIE - specialists at demolition/sabotage, sniping.
- 5eme CIE - Maintenance of equipment
- CEA - Maintenance and recon company, (GCP- Groupment de Commandos Parachutiste, two platoons of MILAN anti-tank missiles, one anti-aircraft artillery platoon, and a mechanized reconnaissance platoon.)
* 5e Regiment Mixte du Pacifique
* Detachment Legion Etranger de Mayotte
* 13 Demi-Brigade Legion Etrangere
*1er Regiment Etranger de Genie (REG)
- DINOPS (Detachement d'Intervention Operationelle Subaquqtique) (parachute and combat diver trained engineers)
* 2e REG

Groupe Plongeurs-Demineurs (GPD -French Navy EOD)

Groupement de Sécurité et d'Intervention Gendarmerie Nationale (GSIGN)
*Groupe de Sécurité de la Présidence de la République (GSPR)
*Groupe d'Intervention Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN- counter-terrorism)
*Escadron Parachutiste d'Intervention Gendarmerie Nationale (EPIGN-counter-terrorism/VIP escort/Special Ops)

Recherche, Assistance, Intervention, et Dissuasion “Black Panthers” (RAID- National Police CT unit)
Groupe d'Intervention Police Nationale (GIPN- National Police SWAT units)

Groupe Aerien Mixte 56 (GAM56 - DGSE special ops aviation unit)

Fallschirmjaeger (Parachutists)
Gebirgsjaeger (Mountain Warfare troops)
Kommando Spezialkraefte (KSK)
- Kampfschwimmer Kompanie (KSK)
- Minentaucherkompanie (MiTaKp - Mine Clearance Company)

Grenzschutzgruppe 9 [GSG 9, Counter-Terrorists]
Spezialeinsatzkommando (SEK - German State Police SWAT units)
ZentralUnterstutzungseinheit Zoll (ZUZ - Customs Central Operation Support Group)


Offline Air Marshal

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Re: International Commando Elites
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2005, 12:46:16 PM »
Eidiko Tmima Alexiptotiston (ETA “Special Parachute Unit - Greek Army LRRP type unit)

1st Sintagma Katadromon (1st Commando Regiment)
- B, D, E Commando Squadrons
2nd Sintagma Alexiptotiston (2nd Parahute Regiment)
-1st Parachute Squadron
-2nd parachute Squadron
13th Sintagma Amfivion Katadromon (13th Amphibious Commando Regiment)
- A,C Amphibious Commando Squadrons
32nd Taxiarhia Bezonafton (32nd Marine Brigade)

Monada Ypovrixion Kastrofon (MYK - “Underwater Destruction Unit”) now DYK
Dimoria Eidikon Apostolon (DEA - Special Mission Platoon) of the Athens City Police (CT)

Eidikes Katastaltikes Antitromokratikes Monades (EKAM - Police CT unit)

Special Operations Squadron “Achiles” - AF CSAR unit.

Agrupacion Kaibil
Agrupacion Tactica de Seguridad (ATS)
Infanteria de Marina

2nd Airborne Infantry Battalion
Special Forces Battalion
Commando de Operaciones (COE) of the Honduras Army SF Command (CT)

Police Special Duties Unit (SDU) of the Hong Kong Police

Para Commando Battalions (1st, 9th, 10th, 21st Special Forces Battalions)
Marine Commando Force (MCF)
- Quick Reaction Section (QRS- Maritime CT)
National Security Guards "Black Cats"
-Special Action Group (SAG- military personnel assigned to assault squadrons)
-Special Rangers Group (SRG-paramilitary & police personnel who form the perimeter security unit)
Special Frontier Force
Special Services Group of the Special Frontier Force
Special Security Group (Indian Secret Service)
Special Security Bureau (SSB)(2 - battalions)
Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

JALA MENKARA (Marine Corps)
Gegana (SWAT type under police command)
Special Warfare Command
Satgas Gegania (Counter-Terrorist Task Force of the Indonesian National Police)
Satgas Atbhara (Counter-Terrorist Task Force of the Indonesian Air Force)
Kommando Pasukan Khusus (KOPASSUS) - Army Special Forces
- Detachment 81 (Army Special Forces CT unit)
Kesatuan Gurita of the Indonesian Navy (SEAL type unit)
Taifib (Amphibious recon)
Komando Pasukan Katak (KOPASKA)
Resimen Pelopor Brigade Mobil (BRIMOP)

23rd Special Forces Brigade

Irish Army Ranger Wing (ARW)
Garda (police) Emergency Response Unit

T'zanhanim (Parachute) Brigade
Golani Brigade
Sayeret Golany (PALSAR 95), based in the Shrga army base.
Sayeret Givaty (PALSAR 8234), based in Mishmar HaNegev army base.
Sayeret NAHAL (PALSAR 374), based in the Beit Lead army base.
Sayeret T'zanhanim (PALSAR 5173), based in the Beit Lead army base.
Unit Rotem (LRRP unit stationed along Israeli/Egyptian border)
Sayaret Mat'kal [attached to General Staff] (counter-terrorism & intelligence)
Sayeret Duvdevan (occupied territories undercover unit)

Unit 5101 (Israeli Air Force special missions unit)
Unit 669 (Israeli Air Force CSAR unit)
Unit 5707 (Israeli Air Force TACP unit)

Sayeret Maglan/Unit 212 (Long range missiles warfare unit - attached to Armor)
Palsar 500 (aka Sayeret Sherion, attached to Armor)
Palsar 7 (aka Sayeret Sherion, attached to Armor)
Sayeret Egoz/Unit 621 - (Counter geurilla ops, attached to Golani brigade (Infantry)
Sayeret Yael (Combat Engineers SF demo unit)
Sayeret Yechida Lesiluk Pt'zat'zot (YACHSAP - Combat Engineers EOD unit)
Moran (Artillery Corps)
Meitar (Artillery Corps)
Special Command Teams (IDF Operational Command’s LRRP units)
Shayetet 13(Naval Commandoes)
LOTAR Eilat/Unit 7707 (CT unit based in Eilat, Israel)
Force 100 (MP SERT unit)
Unit Alpinistim (Alpine/extreme weather unit)
Unit Oket'z/ Unit 7142 (SF K-9 unit)
Unit Yechidat Modiyin Matara/Unit Nit'zan (Unit 636) (YACHMAM - Target Intelligence Unit )

Field Intelligence Corps:
-Unit T'ZASAM/Unit 869 (Field Intelligence Corps)

-Unit Gideonim/Unit 33 (National Police undercover unit)
-Unit YAMAM (Border Guard’s CT/hostage rescue unit)
-Unit YAMAS (Border Guard’s undercover unit)
-Modiyin T'azpiyot Yerut VeLohama Needed (MATILAN - Intelligence Observations Interception and Mobile - Warfare Unit/ Border Guard’s counter infiltration unit)

Brigata Paracadutisti "Folgore"
- Reggimrnto Tuscania (Carabinieri Parachute Regiment)

Coordinamento Forze per Operazioni Speciali (COFOS)
9° Regimmento d’' Assalto Incursori Paracadutisti “Col Moschin”
-Compagnia LRRP
-Battaglione Alpini Paracadutisti “Monte Cervino”

185° Reggimento Acquisizione Obiettivi (185° RAO)
13 (GRACO) - disbanded

Comando Truppe Alpine
-Brigate Alpine “ Tourinese”
-Brigate Alpine “Julia”
-Brigate Alpine “Tridenta”

Reggimento Lagunari “Serenissima” (Army amphibious troops)
- Plotone Esploratore Anfibio (Amphibious Exploration/Reconnaissance Platoon)

Reggimento San Marco (Italian Marines)
- Reparto Comando
- Battaglione Assalto “Grado” (Assault Battalion “Grado”)
- Compagnia Operazioni Navali (Naval Operations Company)
- Compagnia Operazioni Speciali (COS - Special Operations Company) former Recon/DOA (Demolitori Ostacoli Antisbarco) (obstacle clearance divers)

15° Stormo
-82nd Centro SAR
-83rd Centro SAR
-84th Centro SAR
- Aerosoccorritori (Italian Air Force’s CSAR specialists - equivalent of USAF PJs)

Raggruppamento Subacquei ed Incursori “Teseo Tesei” (COM.SUB.IN - Italian Navy combat diver/Special Ops unit)
-GOI (Gruppo Operativo Incursori)
-GOS (Gruppo Operativo Subacquei)
-GNS (Gruppo Navale Speciale)

Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza (NOCS - National Police CT unit)
Gruppo Operativo Speciale (GOS - National Police SWAT unit)
Gruppo di Interventio Speciale (GIS) (Carabinieri CT unit)
AntiTerrorismo Pronto Impiego (ATPI - Anti-terrorism Quick Intervention) (Finance Guard CT unit)


Offline Air Marshal

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Re: International Commando Elites
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2005, 12:50:51 PM »
Gruppe Intervention Gendarme Nationale (GIGN - CT)

11th Luchtmobiele Brigade
Korps Commando Troepen (KCT)
- 104th, 105th, 108th SOC
Koninklijke Nederlandse Corps Mariners (KMARNS) (Royal Netherlands Marine Corps - RNLMC)
Lange Afstand Verkenningscompagnie (LAVERCIE)
- Mountain Leader-Verkenningspeloton (MLVerkPel - Mountian Leaders” Reconnaissance Platoon)
- 7NL Special Boat Squadron (Amfibisch Verkenningspeloton/AmfVerkPel - Amphibian Reconnaissance Platoon)
Bijzondere Bijstands Eenheid (BBE - CT)
BSB (Brigade Speciale Beveilingsopdrachten)

1 New Zealand SAS
Navy Operational Diving Team (ODT)
Armed Offenders Squad (AOS)
New Zealand Police Special Tactics Group (STG)
Specialist Search Group (SSG)
Diplomatic Protection Squad

22x Commando Brigades

Special Operations Forces:
-Marinejegerkommandoen - Naval special forces unit. Based in Ramsund, N.Norway
-Spesialjeger/FSK - Army special forces and counterterror unit. Based in Rena, E.Norway
-(HV-016 - National Guard special unit. Regionally based)

-FIST/H (Forsvarets Innsatsstyrke/Hær
-FJ/Fallskjermjegertroppen(Airborne Pathfinders unit)

-Beredskapstroppen, or Delta - Police counterterror unit. AFAIK has detachments in major cities (Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger)

Sultan's Special Force
Combat swimmer unit


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Re: International Commando Elites
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2005, 12:52:53 PM »
Special Services Group (SSG)

- Musa Company (CT)
Naval Special Service Group (SSGN)

Special Forces Unit

Dirección Nacional Contra el Terrorismo
Division de Fuerzas Especiales (DIFE) del Ejército - (Army Special Forces Division)
Batallón de Comandos “Comandante Espinar” Nº 19
- “Delta Company”
Fuerza de Operaciones Especiales (FOES - SEAL type unit)
-GOE Norte, GOE Centro, GOE Nororiente
- Salvage unit
Grupo de Fuerzas Especiales (GRUFE Peruvian AF special ops unit)

Fuerza de Infantería de la Marina de Guerra del Perú (FUINMAR - Peruvian Marine Corps)
*Primera Brigada (Anfibia) (5 Battalions)
- Batallón de Infantería de la Marina “Guarnición de Marina” Nº 1
- Batallón de Infantería de la Marina “Guardia Chalaca” Nº 2
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina “Vencedores de Punta Palpelo” Nº 3
- Compañía de Reconocimiento Anfibio
Agrupamiento de Comandos
- Compañía de Comandos Anfibios (CAM) - “Comando Anfibios”/ CONAF (40 - man unit) (Buzos de Combate)
- Unidad Especial de Combate (UEC - 25 man unit)

Philippine Army Special Operations Command (PASOCOM)
- Alpha Two Zero (A-20, CT)
- First Scout Ranger Regiment (FSRR - LRRPs) (3 - battalions)
- Special Forces Regiment (SFR) (7 - battalions)
1st Special Forces (Riverine) Battalion
5th Special Forces Company
-Psychological Operations (Psyops) Group

710th Special Operations Wing (SPOW - ABD, FAC/TACP, EOD, K-9)
-720th Special Operations Group - (Explosive and Ordnance Squadron , & K-9 Squadron)
-740th Combat Group
-Anti-terrorism team
505th Search and Rescue Group (505th SRG)
-5051st Search and Rescue Squadron (5051st SRS), 5052nd SRS, 5053rd SRS

Philippine Marine (PM) Corps
-Force Reconnaissance Battalion -61st, 62nd, 63rd Force Recon Companies
Special Warfare Group (SWAG-Navy SEALs)

Presidential Security Group, Philippine Armed Forces (Philippine Secret Service)

Philippe National Police (PNP) Special Action Group (SAG)
PNP Aviation Security Group
Police Security Protective Office (PNP VIP protection unit)

Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno Mobilnego (GROM)
1 Pułk Specjalny Komandosów (1st Special Commando Regiment)
Grupa Specjalna Płetwonurków MW (FORMOZA - Special Naval Frogman Group)
6 Brygada Desantowo-Szturmowa im. Gen.Sosabowskiego (6th Air Asault Brigade)
1 Lotnicza Grupa Poszukiwawczo-Ratownicza in Bydgoszcz (1st Air Search and Rescue Group - (Polish AF CSAR unit)


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Re: International Commando Elites
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2006, 01:21:19 AM »
That's a handy list. Created it yourself, or copied it from somewhere...if you did, maybe you can add a link. May be more nice stuff to see for us, and you don't get blamed for stealing copyrighted stuff  ;)
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Re: International Commando Elites
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2007, 10:44:49 AM »

"Alpha" (the KGB);
OSAM (Boundary armies);
5th Brigade of Special Forces (the best in former USSR);
"Almaz" (special unit of Ministry of Internal affairs);
SOBR (Special group of fast reaction) and units of MIA.
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Offline Raptor

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Re: International Commando Elites
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2007, 12:33:41 PM »
Um, Singapore?


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