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Author Topic: South American Arms Race  (Read 128626 times)

Offline SAS73

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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2008, 10:33:58 AM »
What do you mean "propaganda their full production was false" you sent me the link a while back.  Are say say it wasn't true and Colombia doesn't produce BTR-80?  I'm confused? 

I know what Colombia bought Kfir wise just want to know how it's coming along?  Any deliveries, advance training, weapons package, etc, anything along those lines would be interesting.


Well the building and construction of the Colombian BTR-80 "Caribe" was just aproject, as far as I know just a few models were constructed. About the KFIR I heard just the business, 12 new KFIR C10 and the upgrade of 12 more for a total of 24 fleet. about new weapons and armament for the KFIR not any news have been relaesed

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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2008, 10:40:26 AM »
Embraer delivers to Colombia the last of the 25th Super Tucanos sold by this Brazilian Company to Colombia.
The Super Tucano ALX A-29 is the perfect aircraft for COIN missions. The total of the busines was around USD$234 millions signed in december of 2005. The Super Tucano was used in the operation to kill Raul Reyes a famous warlord and leader of the FARC guerrilla in Colombia: This operation was taked five months ago were 26 guerrilleros were killed, includin "Reyes" and three were injured.

Offline tigershark

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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2008, 10:54:12 PM »
A little Peruvian Mig-29 news

Peru - Russia sign deal to repair MIG-29 fighter jets for $106 million
Peru | 13 August, 2008 [ 09:48 ]
In an agreement signed between Peru and Russia, it was established the Andean country would invest $106 million in the reparation of a fleet of MIG-29 fighter jets, said Peru's Defense Minister, Ántero Flores-Aráoz.

According to an official press release, it was announced the agreement between Russia and Peru was signed in the presence of military personal, civil authorities and the country's Defense Minister on Tuesday at an Air Force base in Chiclayo, one of Peru's northern coastal cities.

"We're off to a good start in the recovery of the Armed Force's operative capacity and this agreement is a good sign of that," affirmed Defense Minister Flores-Aráoz, stating it had not been easy to negotiate the pact with Russia.

"We've established excellent conditions in this deal and because of that I don't doubt that our pilots, our technical personnel and Peru in general will feel proud of this step, which puts us on the path to having Armed Forces in appropriate operative conditions," Flores-Aráoz said.

Peru's Air Force has a nineteen MIG-29 fighter jets it purchased from Russia and Belarus in the late 90s.

It was announced that these nineteen jets are to be repaired under the "Basic Defense" program.

The program is to spend $654 million on these types of projects until 2011.


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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2008, 11:20:12 PM »
Well, good news fro Peru, bad news to Chile, I think thos Peruvian mig-29´s are awesome. I just wonder if in that contract there is a chance for any upgrade.

Offline tigershark

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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2008, 03:03:47 AM »
I wish the article said upgrade instead of just repair but repairs could mean a lot things.  Deep engine overhauls would be a good thing I'm sure those 9.12 models need it badly among other things.  I don't know how long radar's last?  Do the radar's bought with the aircraft in 1998 still work now?  I would think some radar's and engines need total replacements on these old war birds and finding the same engines/radar/etc might be difficult.  Russia has upgraded their own Mig-29s over the years so some of the older equipment might not be made anymore these are 9.12 model Fulcrums.  Maybe Belarus might be able to supply some spares? 
« Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 04:01:15 AM by nonpilot »

Offline tigershark

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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2008, 04:05:25 AM »
A quote from Chavez
I am absolutely certain was the one who gave the order to Georgian forces to burn towns and villages and to kill innocent people," he said.

Man this guy never lets up it's South American news so I'll add it to the thread.

Chavez accuses Bush of ordering attack on South Ossetia

15/08/2008 18:42 BUENOS AIRES, August 15 (RIA Novosti) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez believes that Georgian forces launched their attack on South Ossetia on the orders of the U.S. president, the Union radio station reported Friday.

"The leadership of the U.S., which gives orders to Georgian authorities, is to blame for the Caucasus' burning," began Chavez, as quoted by the Venezuelan radio station.

"The president of the U.S., the imperialist George Bush, I am absolutely certain was the one who gave the order to Georgian forces to burn towns and villages and to kill innocent people," he said.

The conflict began with an attack by Georgian forces on Tskhinvali, the capital of the breakaway Georgian republic of South Ossetian, on August 8. Russia has said that around 1,600 people died in the Georgian assault.

During the subsequent Russian military operation to force Georgian troops out of the de facto independent republic and to reinforce its peacekeepers in the region, Moscow sent some 10,000 servicemen and several hundred armored vehicles into South Ossetia.

Washington has supported its ally throughout the crisis, refusing to condemn Tbilisi's attack on South Ossetia and calling Moscow's response "disproportionate."

"Russia's actions were fully justified," Chavez said.

He also said that the U.S. was seeking to surround a Russia which had "risen from its knees thanks to the firm hand of ex-president Putin, and has again become a world power."

He was speaking in Asuncion at the inauguration of the new president of Paraguay, the leftist former bishop Fernando Lugo.


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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2008, 04:45:37 PM »
Russia Looking to Send a Navy Fleet to Caribbean, Chavez Says 
By Daniel Cancel

Aug. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Russia has expressed interest in sending a naval fleet to the Caribbean. He said Venezuela would welcome the visit.

The naval fleet would come to Caribbean waters on a trip of ``friendship and work,'' Chavez said in comments on state television. Venezuela has bought Sukhoi fighter jets from Russia and is evaluating the purchase of submarines, Chavez said.

``We've been informed that the Russian government wants to visit Venezuela,'' Chavez said. ``They want a Russian fleet to come to the Caribbean. If they come, they'll be welcomed.''

Venezuela has spent billions of dollars in modernizing its armed forces in recent years, purchasing arms mainly from Russia. The South American country has also criticized the U.S.'s reactivation of the Navy's Fourth Fleet to patrol the Caribbean on anti-narcotics missions.

Chavez said he's interested in buying K-8 Chinese training jets after the U.S. stopped selling replacement parts for existing Venezuelan aircraft. He said he'll visit China in September.

To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Cancel in Caracas at
Last Updated: August 17, 2008 17:05 EDT


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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2008, 08:05:18 AM »
Newspaper [' ] La Razon is following on a possible leak from the Ministry of defense stating that the peruvian Air Force is requesting the purchase of either 10 Su-30MK and/or 18 Su-27SK Heavy fighter Jets.

According to the probable source, emphasis on probable, Defense would prefer to buy modernized second-hand Su-27 fighter jets.

"Seems" that the cost of the full upgrade of the Mirage 2000 has thrown FAP off-balance and together with the government are looking for options.


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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2008, 08:15:54 AM »

Peru evaluates proposals and recommendations to purchase satellite, says Flores-Aráoz


Lima, April. 12 (Andina) .- The defense minister, Ántero Flores-Aráoz, reported that the Executive assesses various proposals and recommendations of the three armed institutes on the purchase of a satellite, but has not yet decided its purchase.

"We are exploring all alternatives with technicians from the three armed forces to consider what is most appropriate for the needs and potentials of the country," he said in statements to RPP.

Flores-Aráoz discounted that the issue arises as a response to the decision by Chile to acquire its own defence satellite, which will have a primary mission monitoring its borders.

In this regard, he indicated that any satellite would not be bound only to the defensive system of the country, but would also provide helpt with natural disasters such as tides and flooding, among others.

The general commander of the army, Edwin Donayre said yesterday that it requested the Executive the acquisition of this technology, for enhanced surveillance at the borders, especially with Colombia, where there is risk of attack by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Offline tigershark

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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2008, 06:14:47 PM »
Talk with a person I met from Peru on another board and he assured me there is no Flanker deal and that the Mig-29 deal has been signed.  He told me 100% sure a contract has been signed and work should start 14 to 18 months from now, but MIG's home page still isn't showing it. 

I wonder why so long to start maybe the Indian not delivered K model Fulcrums are holding things up?  (smile face)

Offline SAS73

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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2008, 10:36:53 AM »
well it is going to be an upgrade or the Peruvians will buy some Mig-29´s???

Offline tigershark

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Re: South American Arms Race
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2008, 02:44:09 PM »


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