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Author Topic: Threat to America  (Read 73037 times)

Offline Cobra2

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #72 on: January 23, 2007, 12:23:35 AM »

Offline QT402

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #73 on: July 17, 2007, 03:28:10 AM »
China have interests far more than what you can see in the outside. It is athreat believe me. Before you know it, the US might be sorry. Instead of burgers we might be eating egg fu yong.

Offline Gripen

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #74 on: July 17, 2007, 06:41:13 AM »
Uh Huh. And yet, China has no way of getting to America. Their have no invasion fleet where as the US has the USMC, and if the the Chinese did theoretically (not likely) managed to invade America, do you honestly think that America would give up? They would most likely fight to the death, or do a scorched earth policy, After they nuke the crap out of China.

China hasnt got a plane with a long enough range to get to the US, and their missiles would be picked up the second their launched, and besides, Chinese missiles suck and would probably explode on take off.

The biggest threat to America is still terrorists, and it will be for a long time to come

Offline RecceJet

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #75 on: July 17, 2007, 07:05:29 AM »
Uh Huh. And yet, China has no way of getting to America. Their have no invasion fleet where as the US has the USMC, and if the the Chinese did theoretically (not likely) managed to invade America, do you honestly think that America would give up? They would most likely fight to the death, or do a scorched earth policy, After they nuke the crap out of China.

China hasnt got a plane with a long enough range to get to the US, and their missiles would be picked up the second their launched, and besides, Chinese missiles suck and would probably explode on take off.

The biggest threat to America is still terrorists, and it will be for a long time to come
Chinese designed missiles hit an Israeli Navy Saar 5 class vessel which has stealth design features. I think the latest Chinese missiles are quickly closing the technology gap. I think attention should also be given to the way the People's Liberation Army Navy has brought out "blue-water" warships recently with modern designs and weapon systems. The days the USA can hide behind a barrier of advanced weaponry are definitely numbered.

The US cannot do much if China decides to waltz in and take Taiwan. I seriously doubt the US ability to hold off any advance on Hawaii in the near future. Imagine how many resources you would use up if you had to engage hundreds of remotely controlled obsolete fighter aircraft just to get to the Flankers and long range air-to-surface missiles? Your radar might be able to target everything, but you might run out of things to throw at them.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2007, 09:23:42 PM by RecceJet »

Offline tigershark

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #76 on: July 17, 2007, 06:09:41 PM »
China all the way there blue water navy is getting stronger all the time.   There already are a threat to other US assets in different parts of the world.   Future conflicts in the Middle East and Africa aren't far away and there need for oil is only second to the United States.  This alone will draw them into some sort of military conflict somewhere.   It's like two tough kids on the block that both want the same thing, a fight breaks out. 

Offline Gripen

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #77 on: July 18, 2007, 03:39:46 AM »
But do you honestly think China will move? They've had HOW many chances over the last 50-ish years?

Offline tigershark

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2007, 04:17:31 AM »
I think they already have in Africa and are involved in about six or seven different countries there now.   In Asia there power is spreading government wise there learning how to play the game better then they ever did.  I don't feel they going to attack your country in the next five years but in ten or less their have the assets to do it.   

Offline Gripen

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #79 on: July 23, 2007, 08:47:43 AM »
Do you realise how far and hard it would be for the PROC to attack Australia, invasion wise anyway?

Offline RecceJet

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #80 on: July 23, 2007, 09:39:41 AM »
Do you realise how far and hard it would be for the PROC to attack Australia, invasion wise anyway?
The Japanese made it that far in WW2. How big were they compared to modern China? Distance is a minor issue. Politics and economics play a more vital part.

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #81 on: July 24, 2007, 01:52:15 AM »
I agree, China is more of an economic/political threat than military one, unless the USA seriously pisses them off somehow or declares war on China, e.g. for attacking US allies in the region. However, the USA is China's biggest export market as far as I know, and it will remain so for some time. China is growing thanks to this, and they'd be crazy to risk an economic embargo or any war with their biggest trade partner. The US would respond at least on politcal and economical level when China decides to invade Taiwan, so China probably won't do that until they don't need the US anymore and get imperialistic. But of course, that may not take long or a lot...

Iran is a threat to the region... Israel + oil... then terrorists, so it's the biggest threat to US interests... especially with this nuclear program. Not that I think a resulting nuclear weapon would be a threat to the USA itself, but the results of a US(-led) or Israeli pre-emptive strike...

But if the US/Russia relation turns sour and cold again, Russia might become the biggest 'visible' military threat to US/NATO again, while China meanwhile takes over the role of world superpower.

I wish I could see into the future though, haha.
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Niels Hillebrand
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Offline Gripen

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #82 on: July 24, 2007, 08:19:42 AM »
Do you realise how far and hard it would be for the PROC to attack Australia, invasion wise anyway?
The Japanese made it that far in WW2. How big were they compared to modern China? Distance is a minor issue. Politics and economics play a more vital part.

Japan had an acutal navy that gave them the power to attack Australia

Does China have Aircraft Carriers (working ones anyway)
Do they have a proper naval airforce?

No they dont..

Offline tigershark

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Re: Threat to America
« Reply #83 on: July 24, 2007, 03:44:47 PM »
Think a little differently look at the countries around yours that China is friendly with or might in the future control?  The attack or attacks might come from more then one source and just just directly from China.    China's governments power in the region will grow and their force there way into certain governments.   It will start with China will invest millions of dollars into a country's economy for allowing a naval base to be build.  Next a air base and then small amounts of troops not far after that the host country has little power to really do anything.  Now imagine that happening in five or six places near your country you see where I'm going with this.   Of course to do this China would either think your military is a threat or a natural resource it wants.   


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