It is with a heavy heart that I report on an article in AW&ST's Oct 18th issue titled "Grim Future for Defense". Although the name Robet Gates does not appear anywhere in the article, the opening paragraph reads "Black predictions about the defense budget and U.S. Airforce spending are coming from the service's chief of staff, Gen. Norton Schwartz."
He sees a coming crisis in ability and directional resolve. He mentions a faster emergence of new threats as well as the need to plan for "higher-end, large-scale conflict". He mentions advanced radars "chipping away at the invisibility of stealth designs", and the need to invest in long-range electronic attack and network invasion to maintain the penetration ability of stealthy aircraft. Also mentioned is developing a set of rules of engagement for electronic attack, directed energy weapons, and cyberinvasion. (Let's take that damn fan out of the "rhino beetle", and use the shaft to generate power for directed energy weapons, and cyberjammers!)
I'd like Mr. Gates to know, that although all of this costs money, I'm willing to pay my share!