JETSTREAM, a documentary television series in production for Discovery Channel Canada, follows 8 student pilots of the 410 Squadron (4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta Airbase) as they go through 9 months of gruelling training to become Canadian F-18 fighter pilots. While television viewers watch the students learn military technologies and tactics, we want you to get virtually involved on-line and learn to fly F-18s right along with them.
JETSTREAM INTERACTIVE, a companion website and game in development, simulates parts of the Canadian Air Force training experience.
Here’s where you come in…before developing the site and the game we want your input!
Please feel free to send your feedback to
1) Would you be interested in playing an online game that mimics some of the training missions attempted by the real student pilots?
2) What do you want to know about the F-18 and how the students learn to master it?
3) What kinds of things would draw you to a website and a game based on the fighter pilot training experience of the Canadian Air Force?
4) What features do you like in on-line games?
5) Would you be interested in receiving updates, text messages, etc on your cell phone?
6) Would you be interested in downloading features like fighter pilot related ring tones, wallpaper, etc from the site?
Please tell us a little about yourself (we will not share identifying information you provide with anyone. We are only interested in basic demographics):
A) Male or female?
B) How old are you?
C) What is your profession?
D) Do you consider yourself to be in one of these categories?
- aviation enthusiasts
- military buffs
- flight simulator fan
For details on the project check out help is much appreciated. We hope to have an exciting and educational online experience available in the future!!
Thank you!
Rachel Warick
Production Coordinator – Jetstream Interactive
Paperny Films