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Capt. Jake “Red Stripe” Frederick
Husband, Father, Pilot
April 24, 1984–December 8, 2016
Capt. Jake “Red Stripe” Frederick, a US Marine and F/A-18 Hornet pilot, was killed after ejecting from his aircraft roughly 120 miles off the coast of Japan on Thursday, December 8, 2016 while deployed with VMFA-115, The World Famous Silver Eagles. God, family and the country he died defending were of the upmost importance to Jake. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering. After graduation, he was commissioned at the Texas Capitol in the United States Marine Corps, where he faithfully served his country for eight years. Jake married the love of his life in 2009, and they built a life together serving the God and the country they love. Jake is survived by his beautiful, loving wife Kiley Frederick, their son Colt Frederick, and daughter, Mayley Frederick. Colt was 3 years old when his hero gave all for his country. Mayley missed meeting her Daddy here on earth by 5 weeks.
 Jake’s primary flight training was at NAS Corpus Christi; his advanced jet training at NAS Kingsville, Texas; FRS VMFAT-101 Sharpshooters, MCAS Miramar San Diego, CA; and finally, to his chosen fleet squadron VMFA-115 Silver Eagles, MCAS Beaufort, SC, where he was on his second deployment overseas.
Jake had a relationship with his Heavenly Father, and great respect for Bible doctrine. He led and loved his family fiercely. He was proud of his country, his home state of Texas and Marine aviation. If there’s one thing Jake would want the world to know, it’s this — His greatest achievement in life wasn’t his integrity, character or his degree from Texas in Petroleum Engineering. It wasn’t his Christ-centered marriage, his military career, his children or even his sacrifice for our nation. The single greatest thing Jake did in life was the decision he made to believe on Jesus Christ as his Savior. And as a result of that choice, Jake is home. He is reaping multiplied blessings face-to-face with our Creator, and he knows joy unimaginable.
Pre-Flight Checklist
Before each flight, Jake always made sure he remembered to use 1John 1:9 to “get squared away ” – or as his pre-flight checklist reflected, “FHS” – meaning to ensure “fellowship with the Holy Spirit” by confessing any known sin in his life. Jake’s life was an example to all around him of the unwavering grace and faithfulness of God. Even in death, Jake’s life continues to shine as a beacon to those who would believe in the name of Jesus Christ, his death on the cross for our sins, and in turn, receive eternal life. Jake would want others to know by believing in Christ, they can have an eternal purpose in this life. Jake lived out the gospel as a patriot who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. A devoted husband, loving father, and an incredible brother and son, his death is the greatest spiritual promotion he could ever receive – and one that honors God as a believer.
“With much emotion, but solid ground beneath our feet because of the truth that circulates in our core, we realize for real soul resilience to take place, we have to have true flexibility in life. We know firsthand – this thing we call life, in a very real sense, amounts to one long series of adjustments. So, we epitomize flexibility, and we adjust. We hold tight to each other and our learned soul resilience. I teach my children we must carry on with right perspective. We pick up the pieces and move forward in life. In that, lies true soul resilience. We can't change what was, we can't predict the future, but we can mentally allow our perspective on life to focus on the joy, the good, and the tools we are given to make the future the best it can be for our children and their children after them.” –Kiley Frederick
"Winds calm, altimeter 29.92, runway 05 in use, Red Stripe 1 flight cleared to the Kingdom of God via Beaufort, Corpus Christi, direct. On departure, fly runway heading, climb and maintain angels unlimited,
cleared for takeoff, contact departure.”
-Capt. Brian “DJANGO” Grygo, USMC
                                             RED STRIPE MIG MISSION STATEMENT


Inspired by fallen Marine aviator Captain Jake “Red Stripe” Frederick, in 2016 my MiG-17 became the “Red Stripe MiG”. The purpose for the Red Stripe MiG emerged through a desire to share Jake and Kiley’s story of faith, courage and strength. Our prayer is to take the Red Stripe MiG to airshows across the country in order to honor those who know or served with Captain Jake “Red Stripe” Frederick.


To Spread stories of faith, strength and courage through aviation and airshows. We are committed to honoring the great sacrifices of our fallen military heroes every step of the way. Through both airshows, donations and sponsorships, the purpose of the Red Stripe MiG is to give back to the military and the families our warriors left behind through encouragement, inspiration, and financial assistance.
Click the following link to learn about F-18 pilot Jake "Red Stripe" Frederick and the mission to tell his story.

Military Aircraft / Aircraft Wanted for NonProfit Display !
« Last post by marianmadalin32 on January 11, 2018, 02:23:18 PM »
Hello, my name is Marian Madalin, mechanical engineer and aviation
passionate. I am trying to open myself a small aerospace museum or
open space for any kind of aircraft here in my country. The project is
entirely nonprofit and will be based exclusively on donations. It is
more like an educational project and background to inspire and
encourage young people, like students and school children to start a
career in this domain.

For the begining, can you consider helping me with a free charity
donation of any type of aircraft, plane or helicopter, even a glider ,
in any condition: small, big, civil/military, new, old, broken, rusty,
salvage, junk or even an airframe(an empty shell) ?
Even a parachute or even something related to aviation would be good.

Can you ask those who attend at your  aviation event this simple
question ? Thanks.

If you have any other questions, please reply or call me at
+40748230945 or +40751657933.
Thank you.
Aviation in General / Aircraft Wanted for NonProfit Display !
« Last post by marianmadalin32 on January 11, 2018, 02:11:32 PM »
Hello, my name is Marian Madalin, mechanical engineer and aviation
passionate. I am trying to open myself a small aerospace museum or
open space for any kind of aircraft here in my country. The project is
entirely nonprofit and will be based exclusively on donations. It is
more like an educational project and background to inspire and
encourage young people, like students and school children to start a
career in this domain.

For the begining, can you consider helping me with a free charity
donation of any type of aircraft, plane or helicopter, even a glider ,
in any condition: small, big, civil/military, new, old, broken, rusty,
salvage, junk or even an airframe(an empty shell) ?
Even a parachute or even something related to aviation would be good.

Can you ask those who attend at your  aviation event this simple
question ? Thanks.

If you have any other questions, please reply or call me at
+40748230945 or +40751657933.
Thank you.
Warbirds / Re: MiG-17 three ship formation.
« Last post by Becher on January 01, 2018, 05:44:55 PM »
That's amazing any chance these birds will fly over Europe?

Great video, thanks for sharing. How often are you flying?
Air Show News & Previews / Re: Flying Legends 2012
« Last post by Willsonjamee1 on December 19, 2017, 04:05:46 AM »
Flying Legends I want to see this show.
Warbirds / Magneto switch box & Oil Pressure gauge - Need help identifying aircraft
« Last post by AusA380 on September 10, 2017, 12:30:17 PM »
I recently went to a militaria swapmeet and picked up an oil pressure gauge and a magneto switch box from an aircraft. I'm not sure which aircraft they are from and i'm hoping people on here could give me some information.
From what i've seen on the internet, the magneto switch box appears to be from a British aircraft. The Spitfire looks to have a similar switch box, but the toggle switches are different from what I have. The Lancaster/bomber toggle switches appear similar to the one I have (Thick ends instead of ball ends like the Spitfires).
I'm unable to find any information on the oil pressure gauge. It has the text 'Mk VIII C No. 5064' and 'J. Tomey & Sons B'Ham' printed on the face of the gauge and an A & M with a crown stamped on the back. Mk VIII C is a Spitfire variation, but i'm unable to find a photo of a Spitfire cockpit with this gauge.
Any information would be appreciated.
« Last post by Robert Badger on August 12, 2017, 05:31:01 PM »
Hi, some of you may have seen an item on the BBC TV News concerning Bromey Council's plans to demolish part of the St George's RAF Chapel of Remembrance, for those who did not please click on the following link to Downe Village website where it is the first item if you scroll down:
Having seen the report hopefully you will sign the petition to make the Council think again, please click below or Google: Protect Biggin Hill RAF Chapel.
Many thanks
Bob B
Warbirds / Re: MiG-17 three ship formation.
« Last post by maarten on August 05, 2017, 10:38:31 AM »
That's amazing any chance these birds will fly over Europe?
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