Military Aviation => Military Aircraft => Topic started by: tigershark on July 05, 2007, 04:07:06 PM

Title: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: tigershark on July 05, 2007, 04:07:06 PM
I thought this was between Flankers and F-16s and really basically leaning toward Vipers.    I didn't know Gripen's were in the running?  Does anybody know more about this or is this one of those fluff stories?   Is there anything on this in the European press I would like to know, thanks.

 Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter

Multi-role Gripen favoured over SU-30


The air force is set to abandon its preference for Russia's giant, fuel-hungry SU-30 fighters in favour of Sweden's lightweight, multi-role JAS-39 Gripen, a source said yesterday. Purchase of the SU-30 jets was seen as close to a done deal under the ousted Thaksin Shinawatra government.

The cabinet is willing to allow the force to buy six of the 12 jets it has requested over the next five years, the source said. Only after five years will the air force be able to consider buying the rest of the squadron.

The deal would be financed with tied-over fund spreading over five years.

The air force had earlier been upset that its 34-billion baht plan to buy 12 new fighters to replace its ageing fleet had not been considered by the cabinet.

The cabinet cited recommendations by a screening committee that purchasing all 12 jets in one batch would be too big a burden over five years.

The screening panel, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Paiboon Wattanasiritham, had returned the procurement proposal to the air force and attached a suggestion that the tied-over procurement be extended to 10 years.

The panel, however, did not say anything about halving the squadron.

The source said the cabinet yesterday agreed the air force should buy six jets first, using a five-year tied-over budget starting next year.

The source said the air force selection panel favoured the JAS-39 Gripen to replace its old F-16 and F-5 fighters as the Swedish jets fit its requirements.

Last week, air force chief ACM Chalit Phukphasuk said the air force had not yet decided on the type of aircraft.

The force is reportedly hoping for a fast replacement of its present squadron of fighters, which have been in use for over 30 years and are due to be decommissioned next year.

ACM Chalit, also deputy chief of the Council for National Security, said the air force was considering several options, including F-16s and F-18s from the US, the SU-30 from Russia, the Dassault Rafale from France and the JAS-39 Gripen from Sweden.

The air force was under great pressure from the Thaksin government to purchase the Russian SU-30, even though the air chiefs felt it was too big.

The Thaksin government had been keen to barter farm produce, mainly chickens, for the fighters.

In the region, the SU-30 has been bought by China, Malaysia, India and Indonesia.
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: Globetrotter on July 05, 2007, 05:05:33 PM
wow, its quite a gap there between Gripens and Su-30s...

What about upgrading their F-16? They would have some respectable fighter out of that...
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: Viggen on July 05, 2007, 05:17:27 PM
The latest i heard was talks with India, but that was back in 070205. I´ll keep my eyes open and see if anything turns up with this Thailand deal.  :)
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: tigershark on July 05, 2007, 06:48:00 PM
Globetrotter- You nailed it perfectly there's a huge gap between Gripens and Su-30s and upgrading the current Vipers would be the logical route to go.   I guess the Pacific rim countries around them have Flankers and maybe felt they needed them to stay close or even.  Sounds like Russian pressure because maintenance wise going from single engine low maintenance fighters to totally new twin engines monsters seems wrong.

I hunted around and found The Swedish jet maker offered full rights to India trying to get the 126 aircraft deal that seems to be going on for ever.  MONDAY, JULY 02, 2007

This part use the link for the full story

 NEW DELHI: Even as the government is finalising ground rules for acquisition of 126 multi-role combat aircraft at a cost of $10 billion, Swedish company Gripen has indicated that it was willing to provide full transfer of technology and offer integration of its aircraft with all weapon systems available across the world. The move comes at a time when the government is expected to come out with a request for proposal (RFP) for the mega deal.
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: Viggen on July 05, 2007, 09:51:12 PM
Thanks Nonpilot!

I guess its because they are fighting so much with the Pakistani. There is a law here in Sweden that says we cant sell military equipment to any country that is at war. This is to be able to mantain our neutrality. 
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: valkyrian on July 06, 2007, 09:02:39 AM
A "bravo" "well done" to those who made that law. I think it is a victory against the "profit at any cost" philosophy.
Gripen instead Su-30? Wow.....they gonna need more Grippens so the cost will be the same.
No hard feelings on the Grip, but in comparison with........ Su-zie it reminds me the story of Goliath vs David, only this time Goliath has longer ranged rocks to throw and can see David from the distant....
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: Viggen on July 06, 2007, 03:51:43 PM
A "bravo" "well done" to those who made that law. I think it is a victory against the "profit at any cost" philosophy.
Gripen instead Su-30? Wow.....they gonna need more Grippens so the cost will be the same.
No hard feelings on the Grip, but in comparison with........ Su-zie it reminds me the story of Goliath vs David, only this time Goliath has longer ranged rocks to throw and can see David from the distant....

Yeaahh, its a great law!  The privately owned Bofors or any company that makes military equipment can really make alot of money, but only if the goverment says its ok. Its soooo wrong! Its like you want to sell your own car but have to ask your parents to accept the buyer first.  ;D

I think it will come down to costs of maintance and so forth. The Gipen is the underdog. Its untested in combat but holds high quality at low costs and it has the advantage of upgradings for several years forward. The SU-30 is more of the safe bet if you want to be sure to win the airwar, but at a more higher cost.  Twin engines mean dubble the maintance and fuel economy.

Military says what they want and need, the goverment then decide what they will get.  8)
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: valkyrian on July 06, 2007, 10:07:59 PM
My friend, one thing that i like in Sweeds, is this kind of thinking. Surely it is not good for tha trade balance of Sweden, but is good for the....ethical can use another word, for this, embargo. In the mid 70's the US made an embargo when we were at war with the Turks. The french, didn' is a matter of...perspective...
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: Viggen on July 06, 2007, 10:38:35 PM
Im ok with this, i think neutrality is more worth then selling weapons. But what i find hard to accept is that the goverment should not decide if a privatly owned company get to sell its products or not.

As an example, i have always wanted to start a company that makes high quality rifles and if the goverment would decide for me who i can and cant sell to. I would just move the company abroad. Other companies might think in similar turns, then alot of jobs will be lost.

Im wishing that the export of the Gripen goes well and that any county that opts for this aircraft will have the same chance as any other to buy it.  :)
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: Viggen on July 13, 2007, 01:57:56 PM
The Thailand deal is just a rumour made by the Bangkok Post. So far no one can or have confirmd if there is any talks or deals.

Norway and Denmark have made offers on the Gripen. These on the other hand are confirmed by SAAB´s vicepresident Åke Svensson.  :)
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: Gripen on July 13, 2007, 02:29:42 PM
If Norway and Denmark get it, wont the Gripen become the Scandanavian fighter, not just the Swedish fighter?

like um

*Scandanavian wonder* or something? promotional sale thing..
Title: Re: Air force likely to opt for Swedish jet fighter
Post by: Viggen on July 14, 2007, 04:35:19 PM
I dont belive it will, Gripen.  The Draken was used by all the scandinavian countries and it was still reffered as a swedish fighter.  :)
But i do belive that you are right on the point on "promotional sales for the future" if any of the deals go through.