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Author Topic: Ex Dominican Air Force chief faces trial for missing jet engines  (Read 6117 times)

Offline tigershark

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Ex Dominican Air Force chief faces trial for missing jet engines

SANTO DOMINGO.-Former Dominican Air Force (FAD) Chief of staff Virgilio Sierra Perez complained after learning that a court would order a criminal trial in the next few hours in relation to the disappearance of a fighter jet turbine.

Santo Domingo Province 3rd Instruction Court ruled to open a trial against the former military officier on charges of corruption, in the case of the two A-37 fighter jet engines, property of the Dominican Government, sold to individuals.

Judge Karen Garcia also ordered criminal proceedings against former officers Benito Peralta, Héctor Rafael González and Benito Casanova, to determine the turbines’ whereabouts, after Anti-Corruption Department Assistant prosecutor Otoniell Bonilla read the charges against them.



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