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Author Topic: DARE wants BEL, IAF to fund EW suite for MiG-29s  (Read 4847 times)

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DARE wants BEL, IAF to fund EW suite for MiG-29s
« on: July 08, 2008, 02:22:26 AM »
DARE wants BEL, IAF to fund EW suite for MiG-29s
Ravi Sharma

Around Rs. 170 crore required for developing the equipment

BANGALORE: The Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE), which has the wherewithal to develop an electronic warfare (EW) suite that could be installed on MiG-29s, has asked Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and the Indian Air Force to put up a substantial portion of the around Rs. 170 crore required for developing the equipment. The MiG-29s are being upgraded in Russia.

This is in keeping with the new line of thinking of its parent body, Defence Research and Development Organisation, namely to incorporate industry and the user into a project right from the start by getting industry to financially commit itself to the project. For its part, DRDO will ensure that the industrial partner will secure the production order for the equipment.

Talking to The Hindu just before his retirement, Director R.P. Ramalingam said that his laboratory could offer a state of the art EW suite for the MiG-29, including a radar warning receiver and a self protection jammer, provided the production agency came up with funding.

“BEL is prepared to put up a portion of the project’s cost, but this will first have to be cleared by their board. BEL also wants an assurance that the production order for the EW will go to them.”

With each EW suite expected to cost Rs. 15 crore, the production order for BEL could be around Rs. 1,000 crore.
Enhanced commitment

Industrial funding would ensure enhanced commitment for a project: “Industry can even take an active part in the project’s research and development phase spearheading DARE’s efforts,” Mr. Ramalingam said

Acknowledging DARE’s request, a director with BEL, who did not wish to be named, said that with the government asking research laboratories to find funding themselves, there was no alternative but for industry to step in from the initial stage of a project and also fund it.

“The funding pattern will first have to be decided. The Air Force has also offered to part fund the project.”



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