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Author Topic: Russia Hits Georgia with Ballistic Missiles 15 SS-21  (Read 4922 times)

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Russia Hits Georgia with Ballistic Missiles 15 SS-21
« on: August 15, 2008, 10:45:04 PM »
Russia Hits Georgia with Ballistic Missiles
Russia Hits Georgia with Ballistic Missiles
Posted by David A. Fulghum at 8/12/2008 9:05 AM CDT

Russia has fired 15 SS-21 Tochka/Scarab short-range ballistic missiles at Georgian military targets between Aug. 8-11, Washington-based U.S. officials have told Aviation Week.

Their effectiveness has not been assessed, however. More than 60 were fired years ago during fighting in Chechnya. Depending on the model, they have a range of 70-120 kilometers.

Officials also say a mix of Su-25s, Su-27s and Su-24s strike aircraft, as well as Tu-22M3 bombers, have established “air superiority, but not air supremacy over Georgia” - referring to the effectiveness of Georgian air defenses.
Low-key U.S. military assessments as of Sept. 11 assign some blame to the Georgians for a seemingly suicidal initial push into South Ossetia and noting their almost complete disregard for Russian air superiority and the ability to assemble and launch an overwhelming strike force. One possibility, officials say, is that the Georgians hoped to take advantage of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin being in China at the Olympics and present him with the fait accompli of an occupation on his return.

But the effort foundered as “Georgian command and control broke down” almost immediately after the initial foray, says a senior U.S. defense official. “We don’t know if it was because of Georgian military incompetence or the result of an effective electronic and cyber attack by the Russians".

As of Monday, U.S. analysts estimated there were up to 10,000 Russian troops in South Ossetia supported by 150 T-62 and T-72 tanks and 100 pieces of artillery.

(Credit: Russian federal TV channel RTR-Vesti)



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