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Author Topic: U.S. to Withdraw 24 Attack Choppers from Korea  (Read 4873 times)

Offline tigershark

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U.S. to Withdraw 24 Attack Choppers from Korea
« on: November 17, 2008, 11:44:23 PM »
U.S. to Withdraw 24 Attack Choppers from Korea
The U.S. will withdraw one battalion of Apache helicopters to the mainland U.S. but replace them with 12 air-to-ground attack aircraft. The U.S. will also deploy two mine-sweeping MH-53E Sea Dragon helicopters and increase the frequency of operation of U-2 reconnaissance aircraft over North Korea, in addition to the A-10 aircraft known as "tank killers."

Defense Ministry spokesman Won Tae-je told reporters the U.S. Forces Korea will deploy the attack aircraft early next year. Around March, the USFK will withdraw one of the two Apache helicopter battalions, or 24 choppers, stationed in Korea.

The Apache helicopters, which will go to Fort Carson, Colorado, are expected to be redeployed to Iraq or Afghanistan after a period of training.
The measure is aimed at placating fears of a vacuum in the USFK's war readiness due to the withdrawal of the Apache helicopters. The U.S. apparently wants to show that it can redeploy USFK troops and equipment anytime to anywhere in the world for its “war on terror.”

Military experts believe that there will be no noticeable shortfall in capabilities as a result, but they note that the A-10 aircraft will not be able to fulfill all the functions of the Apaches.

Lt. Gen. Joseph Fil, commander of the Eighth U.S. Army, said nobody knows when A-10 aircraft could in turn be replaced but added the U.S. remains “fully committed” to the defense of Korea and the overall security and stability of the region.

The U.S. will continue to maintain about 28,500 troops in South Korea.



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