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Author Topic: Fitzgibbon coy over Joint Strike Fighter  (Read 3232 times)

Offline tigershark

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Fitzgibbon coy over Joint Strike Fighter
« on: August 01, 2008, 02:14:18 AM »
Fitzgibbon coy over Joint Strike Fighter
July 30, 2008 - 6:24PM

Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon says he'll keep aeronautics giant Lockheed Martin guessing over whether Australia will buy its Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) plane.

Mr Fitzgibbon toured the Lockheed Martin production line at Fort Worth, Texas, earlier this month and at the time said it was likely to be part of Australia's future defence.

But he is resisting opposition calls to lock the nation into a contract until he is satisfied about price, capability and delivery schedule.

"This is the single biggest defence investment the Australian taxpayer will ever make, at around $16 billion, and I won't rush into signing on the dotted line," Mr Fitzgibbon told the National Press Club.

"(Opposition defence spokesman) Nick Minchin for some reason wants me to race in and sign about a year before I have to, before I've got reassurances on their ability to deliver the capability and, of course, on cost and schedule.

"I won't, I'll keep Lockheed Martin guessing, I'll continue to talk to people about other alternatives."

The decision would also have to wait until after the nation's future needs were spelled out in the Air Capability Review and Defence White Paper, both of which are set to be released early next year.

The F-35 Lightning Joint Strike Fighter is an advanced, stealthy, multi-role aircraft which would replace ageing F-111 bombers and F/A-18 fighters from around the middle of next decade.

The federal government is considering buying 100 aircraft with the first to come off the line in 2013.

No contract has been signed as yet, although Australia has contributed around $400 million to development costs.



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