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Author Topic: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft  (Read 13673 times)

Offline iluveagles

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Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« on: April 30, 2008, 06:03:08 AM »
AWESOME BOOK! Barnes & Nobles is the publisher/creator whatever you want to call it............

Has jets, bombers, transports, helo's, etc etc etc..............

I want to say it was published in '03 so it is pretty accurate, I would like to see them come out with an updated version, though there haven't been too many new aircraft that would need to be added............

I love it though, lets see here, there are..............443 pages and it is about at 12" x 9" inch book........roughly speaking..........

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Re: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2008, 04:43:02 AM »
Can you describe it somewhat better, what makes it so good? Purely the volume and completeness?

Unfortunately, the publication date does not always assure the accuracy or up-to-date'ness of (all) the info contained.

I always do a couple of checks when it comes to military aircraft encyclopedia / guides to get some quick idea of the accuracy:
- does it distinguish between the different variants of the Tornado? If not, does it mix up IDS/ADV info?
- how much info is there about each type, are more important types more extensively described? If yes, how is the info then on less known and older types? Check the Su-15 for example.
- does it distinguish the Tu-22 and Tu-22M as seperate aircraft?
- does it rely on info from before the iron curtain fell? check MiG-23 entry for accuracy, check for outdated / 'western' designations such as Su-19 for Su-15TM, Tu-26 for Tu-22M, Tu-20 for Tu-95?
- do the image captions match what's depicted?
- how authoritive is the author on the subject? if editor, which authors contributed?
- does the introduction make any sense in today's world?
  • Interests: Su-15, Su-27, Tu-22, Tornado, RNLAF
Niels Hillebrand
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Re: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 06:56:48 AM »

Yes the book is extremely complete in all of its information.

When I said accuarate and referred to the date of publication. I was referring to having any newer aircraft................

The Tornado is described in three separate sections(which beats your requirement for 2 different ones). The IDS, ADV, and ECR w/ the GR.Mk 1A together.

Yes it lists the 22 and the 22M as different aircraft, no there are not old designations, yes all the captions match the pictures. The less important, say for instance Aeritalia G91 R/T, have less information. The F-15 on the other hand has each variant is described, A/B, C/D, E along with F-15 F/H/I/S/XP (all together in one short paragraph.

Major aircraft have a large diagram, with generally three different digital shots of the aircraft from different angles with captions explaining everything, thats along with the the page or two long description already. It also lists what countries use it, weapons options, and specifications separately.

As for Russian aircraft here are all the included Sukhoi's:Su-7 Fitter A/B, Su-15 Flagon, Su-17/20 Fitter-C, Su-17M-2/-3/-22M-3 Fitter-D/-F/-H/-J, Su-17UM-2 Fitter E, Su-17/-22UM-3 Fitter G, Su-17M-4/Su-22M-4 Fitter K, Su-24 Fencer A/B/C, Su-24M/Su-24MK Fencer D, Su-24MR Fencer E,/Su-24MP Fencer F, Su-25 Frogfoot-A, Su-25UB/UT/UTG Frogfoot B, Su-25T (no reporting name allocated), Su-27 Flanker-A/B, Su-27UB Flanger C, Su-27K/Su-33, Su-27P/PU/Su-30, Su-27IB/KU/Su-34, Su-27M/Su-35, Su-37

Tupolev's: Tu-4 Bull, Tu-16/A/N/T Badger A, Tu-16K/KS Badger B/C/G, Tu-16PP/RM/KRM Badger H/J, Tu-16 Badger D/E/F/K/L, Tu-22 Blinder, Tu-22M Backfire, Tu-95/95M Bear A, Tu-95K Bear B/C/G, Tu-95MS Bear H, Tu-95RT/MR Bear D/E, Tu-128 Fiddler, Tu-134 Crusty, Tu-142 Bear F, Tu-142MR Bear J, Tu-154 Careless, Tu-160 Blackjack

If they are not grouped together then they have their own section.

It is a factual book, there are no authors, just editors. IE, there are no areas explaining parts of air power or anything, the book consists of the facts on all of the aircraft included(Over 2,000 are in the book, from Helos, to fighters, to transports, to bombers).

The introduction has nothing to do with anything, it merely states the point of the book, and is very short, as a matter o' fact here it is:
"The Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft covers all the aircraft that are in current service with the military air arms around the world, presenting detailed technical, service, and operator information on each individual type.

The encyclopedia arranges the aircraft types in alphabetical order according to the current, or most recent, manufacturer. A complete index is provided, arranged by manufacturer, designation, and common name.

Further information oh all current military aircraft, and regular updates as situations change, is provided in the quarterly publication World Air Power Journal, available from the addresses opposite." *end quote*

So the book is insanely awesome.......................and is by far the most accurate source of info on jets I have found..............

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Re: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 12:29:36 PM »
Looking pretty good then!

Thanks, now we've got a better idea of why you like it.

"Further information oh all current military aircraft, and regular updates as situations change, is provided in the quarterly publication World Air Power Journal, available from the addresses opposite."

Sounds like it's from AirTime, B&N just reproduced it? WAPJ is now International Air Power Review. Actually, I did a search on your encyclopedia and it's based on the 1994 first publication. Hopefully they did some proper updating. Anyway, it probably means most of them are reproduced WAPJ articles, with the updated pieces from IAPR, as many of those books... so maybe, if you own those series, it's not much new info. For example, for me personally, I will pass it, because I already have some WAPJ/IAPR volumes on the types I am interested in, plus about 5 of the AirTime books covering various aircraft.

David Donald and Jon Lake are pretty good imho! And so are most authors that wrote/write for WAPJ/IAPR. So sounds like a pretty good buy, if you don't already own a lot of aviation books or want a complete guide.

Amazon lists various editions:
and a few more, I'd say be careful to buy the latest edition, unless you can live with outdated info for the current types.
  • Interests: Su-15, Su-27, Tu-22, Tornado, RNLAF
Niels Hillebrand
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Offline iluveagles

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Re: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2008, 12:48:34 AM »
Not a problem..........

Doesn't say, though it does mention that the material was previously published in '96 in the WAPJ, but obviously it has been updated where nessecary. Along with that, it was copyrighted in 2000 and then reprinted in '04.

I may end up buying some more, but not for a couple years. At this point the information is, for the most part, accurate and therefore its not nessecary to purchase another book of the kind.

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Re: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 05:26:40 AM »
That's a very nice option for updating my father's 220 magazines (from  1987-1988)!! They need it so much! But the price is a little bit high (79 USD)  :-\
"Ad Astra Per Aspera"   (5º Grupo de Caza ≈ A-4AR Fightinghawk)


Offline iluveagles

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Re: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 06:08:00 AM »
Is it really that expensive? It was given to me for one of my birthdays I belive, or no actually a Christmas.............oh you would be buying out of the country though.............could buy it used.........

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Re: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2008, 03:34:41 AM »
Next time, I get my gift certificate, I'll consider it, it's really cheap from those third-party sellers.
  • Interests: Su-15, Su-27, Tu-22, Tornado, RNLAF
Niels Hillebrand
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Offline iluveagles

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Re: Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2008, 06:20:16 AM »
I recommend you do if you have the means, it really is a great book.


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