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Author Topic: Pirates  (Read 5453 times)

Offline tigershark

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« on: June 08, 2009, 03:25:19 AM »
I found this site and thought it was interesting but can see how easy it is for pirates to get general information. I'm posting the link to the Gulf but was wondering why there are no tankers near Iraq or Kuwait?  Thought it was odd.  I wonder if the pirates use this site for their attacks off Africa's coast?

Offline RecceJet

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Re: Pirates
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 04:18:09 AM »
I couldn't see any traffic off the Horn of Africa using that site. Also, there appears to be no shipping registered in the Persian Gulf (Arabian Gulf) north of latitude 27.5N.

There is definitely a lot of tanker traffic north of this point as Iraq has two very significant off-shore oil terminals there. Again, I would imagine because of piracy concerns and other threat considerations, NATO/US interests have caused the data to be omitted.


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